Sunday, September 24, 2006

Les gauchistes adoptent le discours de Ben Laden

Un récent article confirme la convergence entre l'islamo-fascime et le gauchisme. Morceaux choisis.
The brutality of the Reconquista, which established Christian rule over Moorish Spain, has been documented in numerous works. Only a handful of buildings which survived the fury and destruction of the Christian conquerors testify today to the advanced state of Islamic culture at that time.
It was Islam that was much more responsible for bringing Greek philosophy to Europe.
[The Pope's speech] aimed at establishing the Catholic Church (...) as the ideological spearhead of an imperialist crusade intent on expropriating and controlling the resources of the mineral-rich Islamic countries.
Les croisés qui partent en croisade au Moyent-Orient, qui donc est à l'origine de cette thèse? Indice: un gauchiste...

L'article contient de nombreuse condamnations - souvent justifiées - de l'église catholique, mais aucune condamnation - ce qui est pour le moins injustifié - de l'islam. Pour l'instant, les gauchistes s'abstiennent de critiquer leurs alliés du moment.


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