Un sociocide!
Les gauchistes titrent aujourd'hui The US invasion has caused nearly three-quarter million Iraqi deaths. Aucune once de démonstration n'accompagne cette déclaration.
Morceaux choisis de cette "analyse scientifique":
Mais en fait c'est plus grave encore:
Morceaux choisis de cette "analyse scientifique":
Given the marked escalation of the violence in the past several months, it is entirely likely that three-quarters of a million Iraqis have died as a result of the US invasion and occupation of their country.On reste stupéfait devant ces élucubrations présentées comme "scientifiques"... "one must assume", right?
In addition to those who have lost their lives, one must assume that more than a million Iraqis have suffered some form of physical injury as a consequence of the bloodshed unleashed by the US invasion.
Mais en fait c'est plus grave encore:
Given these figures, it is likely that a quarter of the Iraqi population has been killed, wounded or turned into refugees.Un massacre à grande échelle, qui mérite bien de lancer une nouvelle mode:
In the end, the US intervention in Iraq has amounted to an exercise in sociocide, the unleashing of violence, death and destruction on such as a scale as to traumatize, deform and even destroy Iraqi society.Si c'est pas magnifique, çà? Les Américains sont responsables d'un sociôciiide !!